The passing of a friend

I'm sure anyone who reads this page will most likely hear the news from me but tonight I learned that a very good friend has passed away. He was taken far too young and very suddenly. I've lost loved ones in the past but every time it has been an older member of the family who has lived a full life and left behind people happier to have known them. Collin was a young man and his sudden passing makes it so tough to deal with. I've known him since before high school and still saw him pretty regularly. I know the pain I'm experiencing is nothing compared to how much his family must be hurting... it makes me feel like I'm being selfish like I'm feeling bad for myself. I just try to remember that Christ wept when Lazarus died even though He was to raise Lazarus moments later. It's good to grieve for those who pass on but I have to believe that one day I will see my friend again... I will shake his hand and greet him in the paradise prepared for us since th...